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Your Pathway to a Nursing Career in the UK

If you’re interested in bringing your nursing career to England, you’ve come to the right place. The nursing profession is characterised as a mobile profession. Nursing professionals are in high demand in the UK. Immigration is important to British nursing. Foreign nurses make up almost 15% of the UK workforce. The UK has relied on overseas nursing expertise for a long time. Thousands of nurses migrate each year in search for better pay and working conditions, career mobility, professional development, or a better quality of life.

If you choose to pursue a nursing career in the UK, rest assured, you will be financially secure. Nurses just starting their careers receive a minimum salary of £24K a year. You will also receive a generous pension scheme and a variety of discounts including transport, accommodation, and children’s education. One key benefit of working as a nurse in the UK are the wealth of career options that are available. You have the option to work in a variety of different settings, and endless options for you to specialise in your favourite area of healthcare. Furthermore, a nursing career in the UK will provide you with 100% job security. As the UK population continues to age, the need for nurses also increases.

The new ‘fast-track’ nurse visa under new immigration system is offered as part of the skilled worker route to applicants in certain listed occupations in the health and social care sectors, including nurses. This ‘fast-track’ entry provide reduced application fees and dedicated support regarding the application process. With this visa you will be exempt from the controversial immigration health surcharge, for both eligible individuals and their families.

You must successfully complete the NMC approved pre-registration programme in order to meet the standards to become a registered nurse in the UK with a PIN. Nurses who have trained outside the European Economic Area (EEA) and want to work in the UK as a nurse must gain professional registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). The process is as follows:

Applicants are tested for competence through a two-part process to gain registration:

  1. Computer-based test (CBT)- this is a multiple-choice examination which is accessible around the world for applicants to access in their home countries.
  2. Practical objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), held in the UK.
  3. English Language test (OET)- A minimum of a grade B in each component is needed to pass. However, the UK’s Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) have amended the OET Writing component and accept a grade C+ in writing alongside a minimum B grade in the OET Listening, Reading and Speaking sub-tests.

Quality Assessment Qualification Framework (QAQF), provide the best training in order for you to successfully become a registered nurse in the UK. With a new teaching centre in Leicester, we provide bespoke in-person teaching towards your pathway to success. With your hard work and dedication, we will support you in your endeavours in becoming a registered nurse with a PIN in the UK.

At QAQF we will assist you from the get-go, our team provides you with service in helping you secure the career you want with all the benefits. Join us now and take control of your career.

Article by Danica Luches

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